Tuesday, March 20, 2007


What’s going on?

Hi my name is Taylor. I’m not a girly girl, I’m not rich, and I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live in a little cabin up in the mountains, but right now I’m at my Aunt Beth’s house. She’s not the nicest person you’ll ever meet. In fact she’s actually extremely scary. I was sitting down at the dinner table with my two sisters, Kayli and Sara, and my brother, David. Sara is twelve, Kayli is ten, and David is six. Aunt Beth suddenly said “don’t ya’ll be going in them woods you hear? Them monsters will eat you.” “I don’t recall there being any monsters in the woods Aunt Beth” momma said. She was scared Aunt Beth was scaring David. My aunt didn’t say any thing else except, “go in there and you dead.” I looked at her as if she was crazy. I think she might be crazy. She’s got black thin hair a big nose, and a hunched over back. She looks like a witch, and trust me she acts like she’s one quite often. Since we’re going to be at my Aunt Beth’s house for about four more months I made my own room in the loft of the barn. I sleep with my special blanket. It was my dad’s. He’s at war right now risking his life for all of us. I slept on the hay with my father’s warm wool blanket. My aunt’s black cat slept in the loft of the barn too. His name was crow and he was a lot prettier than my aunt. I love the sound the birds and crickets make, that’s one of the reasons why I sleep in the loft rather than the house. The second reason is I sleep In the loft is so I don’t have to be in the same room as my aunt. Its not like my mom would cares if I sleep in the barn, she only pays attention to Sara, Kayli, and especially David. So I sleep where ever I want to, cause I’m considered a nuisance. I woke up the next morning and walked in the kitchen to find something to eat. It was 11:42am and no one was awake. I went to Kayli and Sara’s room, and they weren’t in there, I went into David’s room and he was sound asleep. My mom’s room door was locked so I couldn’t get it open, I banged on it for about a minute and no one opened it. My aunt walked out and said “Taylor, keep down, I suppose you’ve figured out that Sara and Kayli are missing, they’ve been missing since 2:00am this morning.” “Why won’t my mom’s door open? Where are Kayli and Sara?” I yelled. She said “you’ll have to figure it out by your self, you’re suppose to be the strongest in the family since your dad isn’t here, you find them.” That’s exactly what I did. I went to the loft and got my pocket knife, a nutty bar, a flash light and some rope. I climbed down the latter from the loft and walked into the back yard when I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and David was standing there in his black boots and a bathrobe. He said in a low voice “I’m going with you” I just kept walking and he just kept following. By the time we reached the woods David started singing really annoying songs such as “old McDonald” and “Mary had a little lamb” constantly. Finally I turned around and said “David if you don’t be quiet I’m taking you home!” he just got louder, until we were heard a growl, then he started to whistle. We heard a loud scream and I heard some one call me name. I looked over where the sound was coming from and Sara was sinking into a puddle. I ran over to grab her, when I heard David scream “Taylor!” I looked behind me and David was gone. I turned back around and Sara was gone too. Before I knew it I was sinking into the ground beside where Sara had just gone under. It in fact it wasn’t a puddle at all it was a whole of nothing. I screamed “HELP!” I heard a trumpet sound, then I saw a large snake, on a branch, transform into a boy. He said “grab hold of my hand! My brother is not going to get you or anybody else today or any other day as long as I have any thing to say about it!” I grabbed on for dear life! My legs got weaker and went numb. He said “hold on just a little bit longer Taylor” There were so many things going through my mind, how does he know my name and is his brother a puddle? I didn’t want to ask any thing at the moment, so I just hung on. “If you struggle you’ll get weaker and you will be easier for him to get.” The boy said kindly. “Ok” I replied. “He won’t be able to breathe after a few more minutes. Don’t let go of me!” he yelled with out breathe. The ground closed up around me. “Great now I’m stuck in the ground!” I said kind of worried, confused, and angry. “The only thing I can think of right now is this.” He said worriedly. He turned into me, sunk into the ground beside me and jumped out of it. Suddenly I did the same thing he did and I was out of the ground. “WOW! You are amazing!” I announced. “Well we’ve got to get moving.” He said. “Woo” he yelped. He was sinking into one of those puddles in a different spot then I did. I ran over and grabbed his hand. He screamed “let me go or you will die too!” “What are you talking about?” I asked. “My name is Jesse, and if I fall under here my brother Slater will kill me.” He said getting weaker. “If you touch me my brother will find you and kill you if you get sucked down here with me. Don’t you understand Taylor?” “I don’t care! You saved me, now I’m going to at least try to save you.” I yelled. Just then we were both pulled under the ground, into what seemed a whole other world! I grabbed hold of Jesse. He said “You are foolish, Taylor. If we are found, we shall both be put to death. I didn’t want this to happen to you too.” “GET DOWN! Dragons!” he screamed while pushing me into bushes. He said “don’t move a muscle, ok? Start crawling that way.” As soon as I turned around I saw it, a drog.


Aunt Tonja said...

Hey Sweetie...Ithink your book is GREAT!!! You're a doll! I love you! Aunt Tonja

Anonymous said...

hi!! i am 10 years old and i love writing short stories!! i have some great pointers for you!! first, are you a christian? i am. if you are you could write about how God changed your life. or you could write a christian story. if you want to see my blog you can go to: shortstorygirl.blogspot.com